“Hi, this is me.”
Short & Snappy.
I am a Storyteller and Creative.
Currently I am Head of Total Branding at Philipp und Keuntje in Hamburg.
For the last 27 years I enjoyed working in advertising with focus on creative campaigning, storytelling and brand experience in as many communication channels as possible.
I love integrated campaigning as much as radical ideas with great impact.
Great teamwork and truly great people enabled me to follow my passion to create the new and the unseen as much as possible.
I am deeply greatful to all them and to all my clients that had - and continue to have - the courage for great ideas.
Let´s go & create more great ideas!
Integrated Communications. Advertising. Public Relations. Storytelling. Creative Concept & Communication Strategy. Business Development & Strategy. Creative Data. Social & Digital Media and Content. Brand Experience. Promotion & Activation. Design and UX.
More than 300 awards including Grand Prixs, Agency of the Year, Strategy and Campaign of the Year Awards at Cannes Lions, New York Festival, D&AD, ADC(E), Eurobest, WEBBY, AME, CLIO; ADC and the OneShow.
EM Campaign for the City of Hamburg
The city of Hamburg was the Host of the final draw for the EURO 2024 group stage in Hamburg's Elbphilharmonie. All eyes of European football were therefore on Hamburg on December 2nd. We used this to communicate the city's role as host city, to generate enthusiasm among Hamburg's residents and to show potential visitors what Hamburg, and particularly the harbour and its workers are capable of.
The Biggest Draw of all Time.
My role: Creative Lead.
The first Campaign Highlight of 2024
Usually the draw is a room filled with football officials, doing what they always do, somewhat boring. Business as usual. We wanted to create excitement for the people of Hamburg. We created a spectacular activation that only Hamburg could pull off: The draw was to be staged live, with Port workers stacking 24 sea containers, painted in the colours of the nations, in the right order of the six groups of the draw in the Port of Hamburg.
The aim was two-folded: 1. Create enthusiasm and 2. Replace the classic group tableau in the media coverage of the draw and instead spread our image across the world using all channels.
Goal of the Century. A united world for sustainability.
Hyundai faces one of the biggest challenges every day – they are committed to taking care of the world for future generations. This is a challenge that will not be solved overnight and not by a single player alone. So, it is more important than ever for Hyundai to unify and stand together. With the “Goal of the Century” initiative, Hyundai makes use of the power of football to encourage everyone to come together to score one big goal – to create a united world for sustainability.
Global Marketing Campaign for Hyundai HQ.
My role: Global Creative Lead

Global Campaign Teaser for the Goal of the Century World Cup Campaign of Hyundai 2022
Our manifesto for the biggest goal ever
With the cinematic manifesto film featuring football legend Steven Gerrard, Hyundai takes people on a journey using the power of the word "goal". A goal in football is what makes people come together in celebration – cheering and even losing themselves. A goal is the most electrifying moment and just the word brings up all the ecstatic feelings associated with this moment. A goal unites thousands of people when it is scored – on and off the pitch. Remember Diego Maradona’s legendary FIFA World Cup™ goal at Estadio Azteca in 1986. The semantic power of the word “goal” emphasizes the shared purpose we are aiming for and makes it even more powerful. Our goal, the “Goal of the Century”, is to unite the world for sustainability. But this goal cannot be achieved alone. We need to stand together as one team – the Team Century playing for the “Goal of the Century”.
The Team Century
Along with the coach Steven Gerrard, Hyundai has brought together a team of committed personalities from the fields of football, art, fashion, music, entertainment and climate activism who will become part of “Team Century” throughout 2022 – and beyond. Together, they will create awareness and action for human and nature-centered sustainability. Team Century’s captain is Steven Gerrard – a footballing legend and leader on and off the field. Joining Gerrard are the members of BTS is one of the most influential global artists in the world right now who is constantly involved in social action and uniting the world with their music. SPOT – the highly advanced robot – is bringing both heart and innovation to the pitch. Critically acclaimed contemporary artist Lorenzo Quinn brings his powerful sculptures and commentary on climate change to the team. Visionary fashion designer and Creative Director at Moschino, Jeremy Scott, brings his sartorial eye for the fashion of the future. Award-winning photographer Nicky Woo promotes sustainability and highlights human unrest and social injustice through her work. And last but not least, we have a former Afghan refugee and one of Denmark’s most capped players, Nadia Nadim!

My role: Managing Creative Director
“First, there was the average German living room.
Now there is the Bubbleversum.”
A deep dive into Germany’s individual filter bubbles.
A deep dive into people’s everyday digital worlds. The Bubbleversum is an innovative, AI-based data tool that doesn’t just present Germany’s filter bubbles as dry data but allows them to be directly experienced. It’s a fun way for marketers to learn what media people consume, what topics they engage with, and what the dominant tone is in their filter bubbles. And it allows them to see in real time what’s appearing on people’s screens right now, what they’re interested in, what moves them. The Bubbleversum offers completely new, emotional insights into target groups’ experiences that until now were mainly described using figures and statistics. Data is the basis, content the heart.
The Bubbleversum builds on the data expertise of AI development studio Erason, market research company Civey, and the data analytics specialists at Jung von Matt FLOW.The data. Based on the largest ever survey of Germans’ media consumption, conducted by Erason, target groups are defined in terms of over 70,000 likes and dislikes. The AI “Ailon” then models target groups with an unprecedented breadth of attributes and translates them into precise targeting strategies spanning all media channels. The Bubbleversum not only maps Germany’s media consumption but also, for the first time, identifies topic-specific filter bubbles.
Based on the largest ever survey of Germans’ media consumption, conducted by Erason, target groups are defined in terms of over 70,000 likes and dislikes. The AI “Ailon” then models target groups with an unprecedented breadth of attributes and translates them into precise targeting strategies spanning all media channels. The Bubbleversum not only maps Germany’s media consumption but also, for the first time, identifies topic-specific filter bubbles.
The data analytics specialists at Jung von Matt FLOW monitor the most important sources for the filter bubbles. Each day, posts and articles from Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook are fed into the Bubbleversum. So as to display the most realistic possible feeds, an algorithm filters and sorts the content in the Bubbleversum in a similar manner to the relevant platforms. In addition, engagement metrics are shown for the directly linked content and a meta-view visualizes the most-viewed topics across different platforms.
The topic-specific filter bubbles are enriched using data from Civey. To obtain representative metadata, Civey conducted a large-scale survey with over 7,000 respondents. The respondents were asked a total of 83 questions on six topic areas, and their answers were classified into 11 types. These types form the basis for selecting bubbles, and make it possible to peer inside them. Civey collected data on sociodemographic attributes, media use, interests, attitudes, and views on topical issues that are currently polarizing society. It obtained a total of 400,000 responses to the questions.
Global Marketing PR Stunt
My role: Executive Creative Director in a global-joined creative agency team with AKQA Australia
The [Uncertain] Four Seasons is a global project that recomposed Vivaldi’s ‘The Four Seasons’ using climate data for every orchestra in the world. The aim of this project is to get more countries and organisations to sign the Leaders' Pledge for Nature. The [Uncertain] Four Seasons is an initiative of Jung von Matt, AKQA and composer Hugh Crosthwaite and the Monash Climate Change Communications Research Hub. The project builds on a concept first performed by the NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchester in 2019.
We are releasing all performances from altogether 15 orchestras from 6 continents on Nov 4th, 2021. But thisis only a starting point for us: we are currently looking for more orchestras to join the UFS in multiple and diverse locations around the planet. More infos please look here.
“THE F(O)UR SEASONS” - recomposed by climate data
Brand Experience and Marketing Stunt; Creative Data Storytelling
My role: Executive Creative Director
We recomposed Vivaldis masterpeace The Four Seasons from 1725 using historical climate data from then until today to create the FO(U)R SEASONS - recomposed by climate data.
The FO(U)R SEASONS premiered at the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg in November 2019. Led by Alan Gilbert, the NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchestra played the four concerti to a sold-out audiance. #listenup.
Global PR Stunt, Brand Experience and Social Media
My role: Executive Creative Director
German automakers lag miles behind in electromobility - at least in public opinion. But with 100,000 electrified vehicles delivered in 2017, BMW puts even TESLA in the shade. Reason for us to show just that not only to the competition, but to the whole world.
A landmark transformed. We triggered the change in people's thinking with an ambient action and ventured BMW's sacred landmark: the Four Cylinder - BMW's 101-meter-high corporate headquarters. An iconic monument to the decades-long success of the internal combustion engine.
MTB BOSCH “Double the Fun” Campaign
Integrated Marketing Campaign
My role: Managing Creative Director
With #uphillflow, we have not only made the bike descent an awesome experience on behalf of BOSCH eBike. But also the uphill ride. Enjoy.
Integrated Global Marketing Campaign
My role: Managing Creative Director and Global Creative Lead (US, China, Japan, EMEA)
With overall costs of up to 800 million euros and massive public criticism due to construction delays, court trials, cost increases, etc., Hamburg's dream of building the world's best concert hall seemed to be already over even before completion. We had one year to reconcile the people with the Elbphilharmonie.Our idea: we created the longest overture of all time. With targeted emotional experiences, we won people back step by step and got them excited again. Dramaturgically, we brought people ever "closer" to the Elbphilharmonie. We took possession of it and made it tangible for everyone.
Grand Opening of the Elbphilharmonie January 2017.
At the Grand Opening we transformed the Elbphilharmonie’s facade into a visual body of sound and made the outside of the concert hall the main stage. A sound-reactive video and light show responded in real time to the music played during the opening concert, translating it into colours, shapes and movements. As a result, the architecture and music merged into a complete experience – music literally became visible and unlimited. For everybody.
A new Brand Design
We needed a very strong brand design and brand language for our communication to turn public opinion around and to create highest visibility together with one brand identity to be recognized globally. This is how we developed the new brand design for the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg - and how we brought it to live.
Social Media Communications
Social media communication our of the ordinary. Snacks, bites and meals for Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and a whole variety of contents for owned, paid and earned channels with daily and weekly formats for a global audience. In social media we managed a community growth from 18,000 to 205,000 followers in 12 months, with interaction rates of up to 10%.
The Elphilizer.
Making music in the Grand Hall even before it is opened. With the interactive sound experience people were able to play the piano on their keyboards thereby making the architecture of the Grand Hall visible with music.
The Elbphilharmonie Brandfilm.
Global PR Buzz. Within a year we created a media reach of more than 22 billion contacts (still counting) and more than 50,000 media reports (still counting). Moreover, all concerts were sold out and with 1.52 million visitors of the Plaze in less than six months, the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg even outnumbered Germany’s tourist magnet number 1 the Neuschwanstein Castle. Hamburg’s tourist numbers climbed to new record levels, too.
Influencer Marketing campaign for the Chinese market. China´s top choreographer and cultural icon Jin Xing premiered our newly devloped content format “Innerviews”.
Artist Felix Jaehn gave an exclusive final concert at the very end of his “Bonfire Tour 2016” in the car park of the Elbphilharmonie. He had been the very first musician to explore the building in detail, including the Grand Hall, sharing his impressions with a global audience on video.
How do you announce a new music program for the first season of the Elbphilharmonie? Well, for once you tell everybody with the campaign “To good to be true” and then you make it an experience right where the peope are: We used street art in all over Hamburg to connect with the people and to underline one of our core messages: the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg is a concert hall for everybody.
Integrated Marketing, Content, Experiental, Promotion, PR and Advertising Campaign
My role: Managing Creative Director
Campaign Kick Off with a Launch Event on St. Pauli Reeperbahn. (Foto JVM)
Being mobile by bike is better. Always. We all know that. It is better for me. Better for you. Better for all of us. For our city. For our environment. For our future. Some of us get on a bike every now and then. But quite honestly: still far too few. The City of Hamburg wants at least a quarter of all Hamburg residents to get on a bike regularly.
Our campaign makes cycling a ride full of joy. We create experiences that can only be had on two wheels: we built bicycles by ourselves, we launched a music video, we advertised on the streets, we created events and turned road traffic back into fun instead of stress - for everyone. Together.
We make discovering and being mobile by bike a beautiful experience. For the love of the city. For Hamburg and for each individual.
We created an own music video as a tribute to all bike lovers and supporters. 1.5 million views within the first couple of weeks.
A lot of music variety for Hamburg's bike lovers and soon-to-be: from rock to dancehall to pop and rap. Nico Suave, Tonbandgerät, Chefboss and Cäthe joined music power and created "Vom Hamburg bis zum Meer". Produced by Sinch, known to connoisseurs as a hip-hop producer and producer of the songs of e.g. Samy Deluxe or Kool Savas.
We gave props to byciclists with one big brand installation right in the centre of the City.
Every cyclist did a great job during the Corona crisis - and made Hamburg an even better place to live. That's why we all say: thank you - and we made it to the top of the news.
Why not produce your own product content as a campaign and then communicate it? In June 2020 we presented the world's first tattooed bicycle.
We got ourselves an old and famous & beloved subway car at a junkyard, took it apart and built the “most ridden bike” out of it: the U3 Fiete.
It is a take over! We turned an Autokino into a Fahrradkino and in the summer of 2020 we created not only an exclusive and great experience but also large scale PR and Social Buzz.
Global PR Stunt, Brand Experience, Digital and Social Media, Content
My role: Executive Creative Director
“What is the meaning of life?” “Is 42 the answer to all questions?”
At Paris Motor Show 2018 we gave voice to the most iconic object of Paris. A legend that not only remained silent for more than 500 years but also a phenomenon that kept the entire world puzzled. People could ask her anything. And she had all the answers. Just like the first-ever BMW Intelligent Personal Assistant.
Social & Digital Media Campaign, Brand Strategy, Brand Experience and PR Communications
My role: Managing Creative Director
Nowadays, election manifestos of political parties are seldom read. Too dry, too complex and too dull. How can people’s enthusiasm for political content be revived?
We completely reinvent the concept of an election manifesto and created the world’s first walk-in election manifesto. In Berlin, the CDU’s main campaign issues were transformed into an interactive experience in an emotive, interactive and approachable way in an old department store with an area of 2,400 m² for six weeks.
The “election manifesto building” also served as a platform for dialogue with citizens and the media: on-site and online. Over 20,000 people visited the manifesto building, while hundreds of thousands explored it online and the media conveyed our messages overwhelmingly for weeks.
Fotos ©Anne Deppe
Kick off national media day of the walk-in campaign program by Angela Merkel, German Chancellor and top candidate of the Christian Democratic Union CDU.
The #FEDIDWGUGL house was located in the heart of Berlin-Mitte in a former department store and consisted of 6 interactive rooms, covering the topics future, family, work and economy, safety and Europe. The house was open to the public seven days a week until election day on September 24th. An own exhibition APP, a website, extensive social and digital media activities together with numerous events, including neighborhood parties and tweetups with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other top politicians, activated the walk-in campaign program across all media channels.
The CDU is at the heartbeat of the German economy symbolized with a giant heart installation, activating two giant billboards with economic real live data such as stock market figures, unemployment rates, economic growth etc. right at the beginning of the experience.Foto Anne Deppe
Foto Anne Deppe
Write the Future! Two robots “Emma and Dave” had their own Twitter account. People could tweet wishes for the future and Emma and Dave printed and pinned them up. In return people received a customized video via Twitter.
Foto Anne Deppe
We have put together a large package in family policy so that the path of young families is strengthened.
Foto Anne Deppe
Cyber Security has been one of the major topics in domestic security policy. With this playful interaction we explained how the CDU aims to create a safer web.
Foto Anne Deppe
The future of Germany is closely connected with the future of Europe. So we asked everybody to share their opnions with us and made them write the most important ideas, values and beliefs into the sky. An emotional statement for Europe and the future of Germany.
Foto Anne Deppe
Marketing/Fundraising Campaign
My role: Creative Director
TUA for SeaEye. You can still donate Euros to save lives. Just click on the image and you will be linked to https://sea-eye.org/tua/?tua-fuer-die-alan-kurdi/spende
My role: Managing Creative Director
IAA MOBILITY presents: Doggy Drone Care
Why does mobility always describe human mobility? Doggy Dronecare is a game changer!
This is how we created a global (mockumentary) story about the future of mobility. Well, maybe not about the future of mobility ;-)
So, if you really want to know what the future looks like, go and visit the IAA Mobility 2021 in Munich.
Animated Global Key Visual.
Global Image Trailer IAA Mobiity.
“If the people won´t come to the orchestra, the ochestra will come to the people.” (Simone Young)
100 of the finest musicians of the Hamburg Philharmonic Orchestra followed their conductor Simone Young via Live TV Broadcast, turning the streets of Hamburg into a vast orchestra pit. And the city of Hamburg into the biggest concert hall of the world.
PR Stunt
My role: Executive Creative Director
Social Aura for VW at IAA Frankfurt
The Social Aura is an interactive installation that for the first time makes visitors' individual social media profiles visible and tangible in an unseen and entirely new dimension. Online meets offline, internet and on-site experience become one.
In cooperation with Facebook, very personal characteristics, user behavior and activity such as posted comments, set likes, shares of content, posts, own likes and interests are combined into a fascinating, unseen and individual social aura.
For centuries champagne bottles were smashed against the hulls of ships. HAWESKO decided to turn things around. This time they took revenge and smashed a ship against the world's largest Pommery bottle.
Integrated Marketing Campaign
My role: Managing Creative Director

We executed a political campaign of a little different kind. Executed as a guerilla stunt, we used the Out-of-Home advertising billboards of the local election campaign to make some rather surprising statements. With a twinkle in the eye we put Hamburg & Bike on everybody´s agenda and created public awareness.
Integrated Marketing Campaign
My role: Managing Creative Director
We did fly outside and inside of the Elbphilharmonie and created stunning new impressions of the building and the architecture. Our images made it to the global stage and were used by CNN, BBC and every European media magazin. More than 5.7 million users enjoyed our drone rides, spending an average of more than 3 and a half minutes on our Web Special.
Integrated Global Marketing Campaign
My role: Managing Creative Director and Global Creative Lead

Drone Teaser
Teaser Rock´n & Roll
Teaser Slow & Motion
Lead Agency Strategy & Digital Campaign.
Welcome to the city that never stands still. Here you will experience the mobility of yesterday, today and tomorrow. We create unforgettable moments. In the Autostadt driving sensation meets emotion, horsepower meets IQ, eyes get bigger and hearts beat faster. Whether knowledge and adventure for the little ones or action for the grown-ups, everyone is “moved” in the Autostadt.
My role: Managing Creative Director
Out-of-home Billboard in Berlin to communicate the new claim of the Autostadt.
Campaign for the Summer Festival in the Autostadt.
Communication for “movimentos”. Dance Festival in the Autostadt 2019.
Foto Detlef Schneider
“movimentos” dance festival Autostadt 2019.
Foto Detlef Schneider
Brand Campaign
Foto nilshendrikmueller
The national TV spot. Shot with real amateur football players after a nationwide casting with thousands of football players.
Self-confident, authentic and full of passion - with the idea of putting real amateur soccer players at the center of a nationwide campaign, the DFB and its 21 regional associations not only want to show the special fascination of amateur soccer, but also express respect and recognition for all the people who are involved in almost 26,000 clubs.
“Trainer. Psychologist. Motivator. Mother.” Everything it takes in German Amateur Football.

Joachim Kortlepel, Head of Total Branding at Philipp und Keuntje, Hamburg.
Joachim studied Social Sciences in Bonn, Germany and Pittsburgh, USA and started his career as a journalist in Washington D.C., joined BBDO as a Copywriter before becoming a Creative in Brand Expereince and Communication.
After working at BBDO from 1996 - 2000, he founded Jung von Matt/relations in 2001 as an agency for Integrated and Innovative Brand Experiences, where he worked as Managing Creative Director for brands like BMW, Mercedes-Benz, NIKON, MINI, Hamburg Philharmonic Orchestra, Huawei, EDEKA, Volkswagen, DHL, CDU and Elbphilharmonie Hamburg.
In 2024 he joined Philipp und Keuntje, Hamburg as the newly Head of Total Branding.
Joachim has won over 300 awards in his carrier including Grand Prixs, Agency of the Year, Strategy and Campaign of the Year Awards, making him one of the most awarded German Creatives in Brand Communication & Experiences.
He is a long term member of the Art Director’s Club (ADC) in Germany, ADCEurope and D&AD, Lecturer, Associate Prof. for Crossmedia Storytelling, Juror (OneShow 2021) and Speaker at Festivals and Seminars.
He loves ideas and is a strong believer in creativity which basically – in his eyes - can solve every problem in the world. He is a father to three kids, lives in Hamburg, enjoys music, hockey, running, his bike, great writing and is always in for an Espresso.
Joachim Kortlepel
Ohnsorgweg 26
22605 Hamburg
E-Mail: joachim.kortlepel@gmail.com
© 2021 by Joachim Kortlepel and the respective agencies.
Photo credits Ralf Lahrmann, Peter Hundert, Anne Deppe, Detlef Schneider,
nilshendrikmueller, JVM
All Rights Reserved.
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